Selasa, 12 Juli 2022

Benefits of Sports Hobbies for Health That Your Body Can Feel

  Benefits of Sports Hobbies for Health - As is well known, exercise is an activity that has a specific purpose, such as training the body for physical and spiritual health. So that regular exercise or sports hobbies can be considered to have benefits for maintaining a healthy body. Because the metabolism in the body can run smoothly.

By exercising, the absorption and distribution of nutrients can work effectively and efficiently. So that the understanding of sport in general can also be a form of planned and structured physical activity, involving repeated body movements in order to get good results. None other than the purpose of sport itself as an increase in the physical and spiritual fitness of every human being.

Sports can also be done by anyone, both adults, children, to the elderly while they are able. Sport has also become a part of life for some people in urban and rural areas. It can be seen from the lifestyle habits of someone who likes to smoke.

With regular exercise, it is very likely to avoid stroke or heart disease. Not only that, all diseases can also be avoided with regular exercise. Of course, there are other benefits of exercise that are often done by most people. HereDesuswill present some of the important benefits of exercise, especially for human health.

Benefits of Sports Hobbies for Health

Benefits of Sports Hobbies for Health
Benefits of Sports Hobbies for Health

There are so many benefits of exercise that can be obtained by the body if you do it regularly. It's good, exercise is done every day for at least 30 minutes. You don't need to do strenuous exercise to get the benefits, just light ones, such as walking or jogging in the morning can also be an alternative to your sport of choice. If you don't have time, light exercise at night is also quite possible. Here are the benefits of sports hobbies that can be felt for health.

1. Sports Hobby Makes It Not Easy to Get Sick

It is common knowledge that one of the positive impacts of exercise is a healthier body and a fitter body. In fact, it's not just an ordinary disease, exercise that is done regularly can also reduce the risk of various chronic diseases, such as stroke, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Exercise can also improve blood circulation and lower cholesterol levels. In addition, people who exercise regularly have a stronger immune system. It's not easy to get sick because you always process your body regularly.

2. Able to Strengthen Muscles and Bones

Another benefit of sports hobbies for health is to train and form strong bones and muscles. Strong and dense bones can prevent osteoporosis. Exercise also turns out to be the right exercise for toning muscles. If you only rely on daily activities to train your muscles, it's impossible if your muscles can be strong and toned. Generally, strong muscles also affect the quality of your daily activities. Walking, picking up things and other activities require muscle work.

3. Sports Hobbies Also Teach Problem Solving

It is undeniable, most sports also teach you not to give up and finish what you have been through. This experience is very helpful when you are in a work environment or difficult situation to think more clearly before deciding something. Logically, when you are faced with a challenging situation (think of sport as a challenge), then in a different situation you tend to do the same thing.

4. Opening Opportunities to Meet New Friends

Furthermore, the benefits of sports hobbies are that you can meet new friends, open a network of friends that has never existed and happened. Who knows from here you can meet new opportunities, new careers and other opportunities, right?

5. Keeping Your Weight Stable

For those of you who have a hobby of sports, you definitely have a better metabolic system than those who rarely exercise. A good metabolic system will make your weight stable because the body digests food well. As a result, there is no food that accumulates which will become excess fat. Usually with age, the ability of the metabolic system decreases. Therefore, regular exercise can restore the work of your body's metabolism.

6. Sports Hobbies Train Reflexes

The next benefit of sports hobbies that make you happy is being able to train reflexes. By exercising, most of your muscles will be actively working. If these muscles are active, it will help work properly because the muscles are increasingly trained to work spontaneously, quickly, and reflexively. You can certainly prove it by observing people who are diligent in exercising and not exercising enough. Then, you can compare the two, which one is more active and responsive to get the job done. The more work you get done, the calmer you will be, right?

7. Sports Hobbies Help More Positive Thoughts

And finally, the hobby of exercising is a positive activity. When you spend your free time exercising, it means that my daily life is filled with positive activities. People who have positive activities also tend to think positively, are not easily provoked and do not have time to do or think negative things.

Types of Sports Hobbies That You Can Do

By knowing the benefits of sports hobbies themselves, of course, there are many kinds of sports that you can do even at home. Moreover, to fill time at home, exercise is the right thing to become your daily activity. Therefore, the body's stamina is expected to be maintained in order to have immunity to ward off the possibility of being infected with viral diseases. What sports hobbies can you do even at home? Here's the explanation.

1. Jogging

This activity is usually done outside the house such as by walking around the complex or in the park. But, you can also do jogging at home. To be more practical, you can use a treadmill at home. As is known, jogging is a leisurely running activity that is beneficial for the health of the body if it is carried out regularly.

Although it looks simple, jogging also needs to be done properly to reduce the risk of injury. Therefore, first understand the preparation and correct jogging technique before you do it. In addition, jogging is also considered a good way to build muscle mass, burn calories, reduce body fat tissue, and maintain a healthy heart. This sport is even said to be more effective at burning belly fat than lifting weights. To get the maximum benefits of jogging and sports hobbies, there are two important things you need to pay attention to, including:

Preparation Before Jogging

Good preparation can support your comfort and enthusiasm while jogging. Here are some things you need to prepare before jogging:

1. Running shoes that are comfortable on the feet

Before jogging, try to choose running shoes that fit your foot size and feel comfortable on your feet when you step on it. In addition to the comfort factor, choosing the right shoes can also reduce the risk of injury. If you are used to jogging, you also need to pay attention to the condition of the shoes used. If it feels uncomfortable to use, doesn't fit well, or is torn, then it's time to replace new running shoes.

2. Comfortable sports clothes

Besides shoes, choosing the right clothes is also important to maintain comfort while jogging. Choose sports clothes with materials that easily absorb sweat, such as spandex, cotton, or polyester. You can choose casual clothes, such as t-shirts, jogging pants, or shorts, for running. For women, there are usually leggings and special sports bras that are comfortable to wear while jogging.

3. Determine the location and time of jogging

The most important thing is to determine a location and a comfortable route for jogging, such as a park or sports arena. Choose a route with a road or jogging track that is flat, not slippery, and safe for running. You can also change routes to stay motivated and not bored.

4. Meet the intake of nutrients and energy

Jogging requires quite a lot of energy, especially if you are going to do this sport for more than 60 minutes. Therefore, consume nutritious foods that contain complex carbohydrates and protein at least 3 hours before jogging. Avoid consuming foods high in fat and fiber before jogging. In addition to eating, make sure you drink enough water before and during jogging so you don't become dehydrated.

The Right Way of Jogging

So that you can get the maximum benefits of jogging and reduce the risk of injury, there are some important guidelines when running and jogging, including:

1. Warm up before jogging

Warming up before jogging is important to reduce the risk of injury, sprains, or muscle cramps. Before jogging, try to warm up for 5-10 minutes. Some examples of warm-up before jogging that can be done are:

  • Standing on one leg, while swinging the other leg back and forth for a few minutes, then switch to the other leg. After that, rotate the leg, as a stretch for the ankle.
  • Take a leisurely walk, then every 10 steps, jump in place from foot to toe until your knees are at waist level. Do this jump for 5-10 seconds, then continue walking leisurely again. Repeat this movement up to 4 times.
  • Walk with your knees up to waist height. Do it up to 10 times on each leg.

2. Jogging technique

If you are a beginner, it is recommended to do jogging by combining running and walking. This method is very precise and aims to allow the body to adjust, not quickly run out of energy, and prevent muscle and joint injuries. You can start by walking for a few minutes, then start jogging with a short distance and duration. For example, the ratio of duration used is 1:7, which is 1 minute of running and 7 minutes of walking.

3. Posture and breathing techniques while jogging

Lean slightly forward with your fists clenched. The position of the head must always be upright when running, not looking down or looking up. During jogging, use breathing techniques by inhaling through your nose and mouth, then exhaling through your mouth. This is useful for meeting the body's oxygen needs while jogging and reducing the risk of cramps in the abdominal muscles.

4. Cooling

Like warming up, cooling movements also need to be done after you jog. The trick is to take a leisurely walk for 5-10 minutes, then stretch some parts of the body, such as the feet, hands, and neck. After cooling down, your body will feel more comfortable, your heart rate and breathing will also return to normal. To replace body fluids lost while jogging, drink enough water after cooling down.

5. The ideal frequency and duration of jogging

Jogging does not have to be done every day. You also need to rest your body between jogging. The recommended jogging frequency is 2-3 times per week with a total jogging duration of approximately 1-2.5 hours per week. You can feel the benefits of jogging as long as jogging is done regularly. It would be even better if jogging combined with other sports, such as swimming, cycling, yoga, pilates, or lifting weights.

If done properly and correctly, jogging has a small risk of causing injury. However, when you jog for the first time, you may feel muscle pain in your thighs, calves, and back. You can also feel this when you start jogging again after not doing it for a long time. Later, this pain will subside and disappear after your body gets used to jogging. If the pain does not subside for days or even gets worse, you should immediately consult a doctor.

2. Tennis

Tennis is a hobby sport that can be played individually or in doubles, and the court can also change depending on the number of players. As has been said, tennis can be played alone or in doubles. The goal is nothing but to send the ball to the other side, and must move within the opponent's court and always do so until the player doesn't hit the ball or ends up making a mistake.

The tennis game consists of sets of 3, the winner of the game wins the first 2 sets. The set consists of games/games, and the goal is to get to game 6 first. For a set to end there must be at least one match 2 difference between players. If 6/6 stays in the game, a tie-break must be played, which works like an extra game, and whoever can win this game and reach game 7 first, wins the set.

The games are punctuated as follows: 15, 30, 40. Each time the player wins, the player will get 15, then goes to 30, until after 40, if he gets one more move, he gets the game if he has a lead of 2 plays. If 40/40 persists, it is called a deuce every time they are tied and the game will only end when one of them reaches the advantage of game 2.

3. Cycling

Cycling may be one of my favorite sports hobbies these days, besides jogging and running. Moreover, at this time there are also a number of special bicycle lanes that make cyclists feel safer when cycling. Cycling is alow-impact exercise, which is a type of exercise that is generally recommended for people who are just starting to exercise, are obese, or are prone to injury. This sport tends to be easy to do and minimal risk of injury. If all this time you have often or just started exercising, you also need to know what the health benefits of cycling are as follows.

  • Controlling weight

Cycling has benefits in controlling or losing weight. This sport can increase metabolism, build muscle, and burn body fat. In order to get effective results, make sure the energy expenditure is greater than the intake. If you are trying to lose weight, you also need to combine cycling with a healthy and balanced diet. The number of calories burned while cycling will depend on the duration, distance, and speed while cycling. However, a study explains that cycling for 30 minutes every day can burn almost 5 kilograms of fat in a year.

  • Prevent heart and blood vessel disease

Cycling, like cardio exercise, can stimulate and improve the health of the heart, lungs, blood circulation, and help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. This exercise is enough to help strengthen the heart muscle and also reduce fat levels in the blood. Incorporating cycling activities into daily exercise can help prevent the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension). A study from the British Journal of Sport Science Medicine in 2018 found that exercising at a certain intensity can improve hypertension. In fact, the impact is the same as when the person is taking prescription drugs. Even so, still consult a doctor for the best medical advice.

  • Reducing the risk of cancer

If you maintain a healthy and balanced diet, accompanied by regular cycling, then both of these things will help you in reducing the risk of cancer. Because a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that people who have a fit body into old age have a lower risk of developing lung cancer and colorectal cancer. While for cancer patients in the recovery period, cycling can reduce the side effects of cancer treatment and improve overall quality of life.

  • Avoid diabetes

Another benefit of cycling is to avoid diabetes. As is known, reduced physical activity is a risk factor for diabetes. Cycling on a regular basis is considered as one way that can be done to reduce the risk and manage the condition of diabetes. Avoiding a lazy lifestyle, one of which is by cycling more than 30 minutes per day. This activity can help you reduce your risk of developing diabetes and other diseases.

  • Improves strength, balance, and coordination

Keeping your posture upright while cycling can help improve overall body strength, balance and coordination. Improved balance as one of the benefits of cycling can prevent the risk of falls and fractures. Although it does not directly reduce risk, cycling is a form of exercise that is considered ideal for people with osteoarthritis. Because, cycling can put a little pressure on the joints.

  • Caring for the joints

A doctor from Harvard Health Publishing, Dr. Safran-Norton, advises cycling for people with age-related joint pain and lower body stiffness. You can still do this sport with moderate to high intensity, without worrying about burdening your joints. When you sit on a bicycle seat, you place weight on a pair of pelvic bones called the ischial tuberosity. This is different from walking or jogging where you will put more weight on your feet, making them more prone to triggering injuries.

  • Improve mental health disorders

The benefits of cycling and other physical activities can help your body to produce more of the hormone dopamine. This dopamine hormone functions to increase feelings of happiness, so that it can relieve feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety disorders that you experience. A study says cyclists experience fewer mental health problems than other sports, such as aerobics or the gym, even in those who do not do physical activity at all.

4. Badminton

Badminton is one type of sport that is in great demand and is also beneficial for health. Besides being beneficial for physical health, the hobby of playing badminton is also beneficial for mental health because it can build social bonds between players. In this sport, you will do it with playing opponents which makes it even more exciting. Badminton also helps you become physically fit by strengthening muscles, sharpening reflexes, and can help you lose weight too. But there are other benefits of badminton that you can feel.

  • Good for Physical Fitness

Playing badminton requires you to run, lunge, and hit the ball. Chances are you burn about 450 calories per hour. This type of cardiovascular exercise can help keep you in top shape, especially if you're looking for a good alternative to cross-training.

  • Has Psychological Benefits

Badminton also improves physical fitness, thereby helping to reduce stress and anxiety. This exercise increases endorphins, which are feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain and can improve mood and sleep.

  • Strengthening Muscles

Playing badminton builds and tones the quads, buttocks, calves and hamstrings. In addition, the core muscles, arm muscles, and back are also involved in exercising.

  • Social Health

To play badminton, you just need at least one opponent. The social interaction of the game creates a positive feeling after the session on the pitch.

  • Strengthen Flexibility and Muscles

The more you move, the more flexible your body becomes. Especially in sports like badminton that require swing and reach. In addition to increasing flexibility, you also get the strength of muscle endurance.

  • Good for Overall Health

As with all forms of exercise, badminton can also reduce or eliminate the risk of many health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. This exercise can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by reducing triglyceride levels and increasing good cholesterol.

  • Improves Mobility

With age, the body's mobility becomes limited, but keeping badminton active helps prevent this problem. Protects and lubricates joints, preventing arthritis and similar conditions from developing.

  • Lose Weight

Badminton helps control weight due to its fat burning qualities and increased metabolism. When combined with the right diet, optimal weight loss can be achieved.

  • Lowering the Risk of Diabetes

Badminton is also able to reduce the production of sugar by the liver and can also lower blood sugar.

  • Can Be Done Anytime

The advantage of this sport is that you can do it anytime. Because, playing badminton can also be done indoors. If it rains, you will stay dry. If it's cold, playing indoors will make you feel warm.

5. Basketball

One of the most popular sports is basketball, especially for young people. Not only men who like basketball, women can also participate in basketball to get positive health benefits. Here are some benefits that you can feel after you regularly play basketball.

  • Helping the Growth Process

Many of the movements of the sport of basketball teach some of the techniques of playing with jumping. Of course, frequent jumping activities can actually help a person's growth, especially in a person's height. Evidently the national basketball players also have a fairly high posture.

  • Building Bone Strength

In basketball, jumping and other movements can actually help you to strengthen the bones in your body and also the joints in your body. The stronger the bones you have, of course you will avoid the risk of fractures or sprains. In addition, by playing basketball regularly, you can avoid various diseases that infect your bones, because basketball can make your bones dense.

  • Increase Stamina and Endurance

By doing sports regularly, you can have better stamina and endurance than those who rarely do sports, especially basketball. Some basketball moves will make your whole body move from shoulder to toe, so basketball can be a good sport if you want to work all your muscles or limbs.

  • Good for Cardiovascular Health

Basketball can help you improve your cardiovascular health. The more you play, the more your heart rate will increase. But you have to pay attention when you feel very tired and tired, you should rest and let your heart relax again to be able to continue playing basketball.

  • Improve Motor Skills

In basketball, you also need to put the ball in the basket. Of course you need concentration and also good motor movements to be able to put the ball in the basket. Of course the motor skills between the eyes, feet, and hands must be balanced.

  • Someone's Mental Development

When you are going to do basketball, not only physical skills are needed, but mentally you must also be prepared so that the game can run well. Basketball has a fairly fast rhythm in every game, so you need to train yourself while the game is in progress. In addition, basketball is also usually played by several people in one team, so you need good cooperation in a team.

6. Volleyball

It can be said that volleyball is not as popular as futsal or basketball for Indonesians. Usually, this game is only popular on certain special occasions, for example when there is a SEA Games championship or other tournament. But for the fans, of course, they realize that this sport is no less great and provides many benefits for their health.

In addition to being healthy for the body, one of the benefits of this great soccer hobby is to increase cooperation with teammates to earn points and win matches. Here are some health benefits that you can get when playing volleyball.

  • Reducing stress

Keep in mind, the brain will increase the production of happy hormones when exercising, such as endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and tryptophan. Regular exercise can also reduce stress hormones, such as cortisol and epinephrine, and replace them by increasing the hormone norepinephrine as an antidepressant.

All of these positive hormones work together to cause feelings of pleasure and reduce stress, thereby creating positive thoughts. Therefore, doctors often recommend exercise as an adjunct therapy to manage various symptoms of mental illness.

  • Promotes restful sleep

Exercise can also promote restful sleep because it helps increase enzyme activity and muscle function, and helps relax the body after a hard day's work. As a result, in the morning the body will feel more energetic.

A 2016 study found that the rise in body temperature that occurs during exercise can also help you sleep better. In fact, exercising with moderate intensity can also help control various sleep disorders, such as insomnia.

But don't exercise too much. Because physical activity that is too hard affects the condition of the body that is increasingly tired and dehydrated, making it more difficult for you to sleep.

  • Helps lose weight

Volleyball is a type of aerobic cardio sport. Cardio is a type of exercise to increase the heart rate. So if you play volleyball for 15-20 minutes or more, there will be an increase in pulse rate up to 60-80% of normal.

The heart is made up of muscles that must keep moving in order to get stronger. When the heart muscle is strong, the blood vessels are also getting stronger to flow more and faster blood into the muscle cells.

This allows cells to burn more fat during exercise and at rest. That's why each of the most common cardio exercises is chosen to help you lose weight, because this activity is effective at burning fat.

Regular volleyball is also able to prevent the body from experiencing excess weight and obesity which can trigger the disease, namely diabetes. Quoted from Harvard Health that playing casual volleyball for 30 minutes can burn 108 calories. The higher the intensity of the cardio you do, the more calories you burn.

  • Building muscles and joints

Apart from strengthening the heart muscles, playing volleyball also involves a lot of body movement. Starting from the calf muscles, thighs, buttocks, hips which are used to jump and run, while the upper arm muscles and back muscles are also trained when hitting the ball.

By playing volleyball, the joints also become stronger because they are used to run, jump, and hit continuously. If the body has strong joints, this will prevent the risk of injury during sports or daily activities.

  • Strengthening bones

Volleyball is also a weight training, because you will be holding your body weight while running or jumping. Regular weight training helps the body control the release of sclerostin levels while increasing the production of a special hormone called IGF-1 which plays an important role in bone growth.

Sclerostin itself is a natural protein which when levels accumulate can make bones more susceptible to porousness. Thus, playing volleyball can help maintain bone density early on and prevent osteoporosis symptoms later in life.

  • Improve body coordination

In addition to increasing physical activity, playing volleyball can also train body coordination, especially eye and hand coordination. In this game, you have to pay attention and focus on the movement of the ball carefully to be able to pass or smash in the air.

This good coordination of the two parts of the body allows the ball to come into contact with the arms to prevent the opponent from scoring points, or vice versa. If you have poor coordination, the ball may land on the wrong arm or fall onto the court itself.

  • Coaching teamwork

Volleyball games will also involve social interaction with many people at one time, be it teammates or opponents. You have to work well together so that your team can score points and prevent your opponent from winning the game.

This social interaction turned out to be able to increase feelings of happiness, especially when playing volleyball with friends or family. This condition can also have an impact on reducing the level of stress that you may be experiencing.

Volleyball sports tend to be easy to do by various groups. For the sake of feeling the benefits, don't forget to always do various types of warm-up and stretching to avoid the risk of injury during exercise.

7. Football

Apart from volleyball, there is also soccer which is very popular with the public. Not only adults, children also like soccer. Like the green field stars, Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. They have a fit body thanks to their football and regular training. So, what are the benefits of a soccer hobby that you can feel? Here's the explanation.

  • Can Strengthen Muscles

The first benefit of playing soccer that you can get is that the muscles are getting stronger. Because, while playing soccer, you need muscles to perform various movements, such as kicking, jumping, and running.

Not only leg muscles, upper body is also needed for this one sport. Holding the opponent, protecting the ball, throwing into the field, can make the arm muscles and upper joints become more trained.

  • Healthy for the Heart

Players with certain positions in soccer are required to chase or dribble so as not to be taken by the opponent. This activity can also optimize the performance of the heart.

Quoting from the American Heart Association, running is one of the sports that can nourish cardiovascular organs, including the heart.

Just like any other cardio exercise, soccer can keep your heart rate normal. That way, the potential for various cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes can be minimized.

In addition, repetitive active movements are also considered effective against plaque buildup in the arteries that can trigger coronary heart disease.

  • Preventing Osteoporosis

With increasing age, the human body will experience a lot of decreased function, including bones. Of course the bones will lose density, so they lose the strength to support the body.

You can prevent it by playing soccer. By playing soccer, you can maintain bone density. According to the Ministry of Health, infrequent exercise can reduce the activity of new bone formation. So, osteoporosis will be vulnerable to attack.

  • Stimulate Cognitive Ability

Not only physical, football also brings benefits for brain health. Because, when doing this sport, you are required to concentrate, be disciplined, and set tactics in order to break into the opponent's goal.

Plus, the gameplay is fast-paced and you have to make decisions as soon as possible. For example, what to do after receiving a pass, defending your own area when an opponent attacks, and looking for a teammate to pass the ball.

All of these things require a decision as quickly as possible. This will spur cognitive nerves to work harder. If you play soccer often, your brain will get used to thinking fast.

  • Helps Lose Weight

Football is the right sport to burn fat. Massive movements can trigger sweating, optimizing the burning of nutrients that often lead to obesity. Football itself also requires its players, except the goalkeeper, to keep running after and dribbling the ball.

Not only fat, this exercise is also effective for burning calories. Keep in mind, every day, your body gets calories from food. If there is no burning, the accumulated calories can lead to obesity. The more you sweat, the more calories you burn.

  • Relieves Stress

According to a publication in the United States National Library of Medicine, exercise has a close relationship with various hormones in the body, such as endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin.

These three hormones have a role to change the mood to be happy, excited, and happy. When levels of all three are increased, various anxiety disorders can be minimized, such as stress or depression.

  • Helps Stabilize Blood Pressure

The last benefit, it turns out that playing soccer can also stabilize blood pressure in the body. This is also inseparable from the performance of the heart which is increasingly optimal in pumping blood.

Smooth blood circulation keeps blood pressure awake and stable. Therefore, it is very important to have normal blood pressure, in order to avoid various dangerous diseases. In high blood pressure, for example, diseases such as heart disease and stroke will be easy to attack.

8. Running

is one of the most common sports. Apart from being easy and inexpensive, running can also provide many benefits for physical and mental health. When done regularly, there are many health benefits of running as a hobby, including:

  • Losing weight

Running can trigger the burning of calories in the body. This of course can have an impact on losing weight and preventing obesity. However, keep in mind that the number of calories you burn can be affected by several things, such as the speed and distance you run and your weight.

  • Maintain knee health

Many people think that running will cause the knees to become porous. In fact, a study actually showed the opposite result. The study states that regular running can maintain knee health.

Other studies have also shown that running can reduce the risk of arthritis in the knees and hips. However, if you have joint problems, you should first consult your doctor before starting running as a routine activity.

  • Prevent osteoporosis

Running can also prevent bone density loss. Thus, the bones become stronger and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis later in life.

  • Reducing the risk of coronary heart disease

Another benefit of running is that it can improve blood flow and trigger the production of hormones and enzymes that stimulate muscles and heart organs to work better. This is reinforced by the results of research showing that running regularly can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Not only that, running for 30 minutes every day, can increase levels of HDL or good cholesterol in the body. The levels of triglycerides and fat in the body are also reduced.

  • Improves mood

Apart from being beneficial for physical health, running sports, including running barefoot on grass, is also beneficial for mental health. This is because running can help produce endorphins in the body, which are hormones that play a role in fighting stress. So, running is believed to improve mood, relieve stress, and prevent depression.

Tips for Running Sports

Many people think that running is easy and can be done at any time. However, it's good if you do some preparation before running. It is also important to do so that the benefits of running can be maximized and reduce the risk of injury that can occur. Here are some things that need to be prepared before doing running sports:

  • Choose the right sports shoes to reduce the risk of injury.
  • Warm up before running.
  • Start by walking for 5 minutes first.
  • Combine running and walking alternately for a few minutes
  • Increase the duration of the run gradually until you are able to run without walking.
  • Cool down by walking slowly so that your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal.
  • If it's your first time doing running, you should start slowly and do it regularly 2 times a week. When your body gets used to it, you can increase the intensity, either from the speed or distance you run.

To get the maximum benefits of running, you also need to accompany it by eating nutritious foods and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

9. Swimming

Swimming is a type of cardio exercise that can train the body's muscles and heart strength. Not only that, swimming regularly can also increase metabolism, so the body can burn more calories.

No wonder swimming is a sport that is highly recommended for weight loss, especially for those of you who are on a diet program. In addition, there are still many benefits of swimming that can be obtained. The following are the benefits of swimming as a hobby that you can get if you do it regularly:

  • Can maintain heart health

One of the most common benefits of swimming is maintaining a healthy heart and lungs. A study says that swimming can improve blood circulation in the body and the body's ability to use oxygen. So, not only has an impact on heart health, swimming regularly is also good for maintaining the function of various body organs and reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • Building muscle mass

Various movements in swimming require almost all body muscles to move against the pressure in the water. This is the reason that swimming can increase flexibility and muscle mass of the body.

  • Helps lose weight

Swimming for 1 hour can burn about 500–650 calories. Therefore, swimming can be a sport of choice for those of you who want to lose weight.

  • Reducing stress

Stress is a common condition experienced by almost everyone. Swimming can be one way to overcome this. A study suggests that swimming can relax the muscles of the body, thus making them more relaxed.

  • Improve sleep quality

A study conducted on insomniacs showed that swimming can improve the quality of their sleep. So, if you have trouble sleeping, try swimming to sleep better at night.

  • Relieve arthritis

Swimming can also reduce pain due to joint inflammation, so it is safe and is actually recommended for people with arthritis. Other studies also mention that people with osteoporosis who swim regularly can experience a decrease in joint pain.

  • Overcoming the condition of pinched nerves Pinched

nerves can make it difficult for sufferers to move and lie more in bed. If left untreated, this condition will actually weaken the muscles and make the joints stiffen.

One way to deal with pinched nerves is to swim. Various movements in swimming can make the muscles of the back and spine become more relaxed and relaxed.

How to Get the Maximum Benefits of Swimming

Swimming can provide various health benefits. However, to prevent injury, there are several things that need to be considered before doing swimming sports, including:

  • Use swimwear that is comfortable and fits the body.
  • Wear swimming goggles, if necessary, to prevent eye irritation due to the chlorine content in swimming pool water.
  • Warm up before entering the pool.
  • Provide and consume drinking water regularly on the sidelines of swimming.
  • End the swimming session with a cool down.

If you're just starting to learn to swim, don't push yourself too hard by swimming for too long. Increase the intensity of swimming slowly and do it regularly at least 3-5 times per week.

10. Yoga

Hobby exercise Yoga is very good for the body and mind. The benefits of yoga are not only helping the body become fresher and fitter, but also can help control stress and reduce anxiety. Yoga has various types and movements. For those of you who are new to yoga, you may be a little confused about what type of yoga is suitable and appropriate. However, one type of yoga that is usually recommended for beginners is hatha yoga.

Basically all types of yoga can help you relax, relieve body tension, and calm your mind. In order to get the desired results, you need to choose the type of yoga that matches the purpose of doing yoga as well as personal preferences. Maybe you can make hatha, iyengar, and kripalu yoga as a start, because this type of yoga has light movements.

However, before deciding to do yoga, it certainly doesn't hurt to know firstthe benefits yogayou can feel

  • Reducing stress

Almost all types of exercise can help a person prevent and overcome depression, as well as yoga. Some studies say that yoga can reduce anxiety, stress, and improve mood and physical and psychological well-being of a person. In fact, the benefits of yoga can also be felt in someone who has anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and sleep disorders. Not only that, yoga can also help relieve tantrums that occur in adults.

  • Improve fitness

Not only can reduce stress, other benefits of yoga for your body is that it can make the body fitter, improve posture, and increase body strength, range of motion, and flexibility. Some yoga poses can even help you lose weight.

  • Help overcome health problems

If you have a risk of chronic disease, such as high blood pressure or heart disease, yoga can be a suitable sport. Yoga can help lower the risk of heart disease, improve heart health, and improve overall quality of life. However, the link between the benefits of yoga and heart health remains to be studied further. Yoga is also believed to relieve symptoms of pain, migraines, and help overcome insomnia.

  • Back pain

For those of you who experience back pain, there are various yoga poses that can be used to reduce pain. Even if you have chronic back pain though. This is because the stretching movements of the body in yoga can help to flex the body.

  • Reducing asthma problems

Recurrent asthma is very annoying and quite torturous. To overcome this, try to do yoga regularly. A study conducted on people with mild to moderate asthma, showed that some yoga movements related to breathing, such as Pranayama, can help relieve asthma symptoms. However, the benefits of yoga for treating asthma are not considered clinically significant, when compared to the effectiveness of conventional asthma treatment.

  • Burning fat in the body

In addition to some of the benefits of yoga above, the main benefit that many people are looking for is burning fat in the body. To get these benefits, do ashtanga, power yoga, or hot yoga, in combination with walking, running, or other aerobic exercise.

In addition, yoga also has benefits for increasing the chances of getting pregnant. Some yoga poses to increase the chances of getting pregnant include staff pose, malasana squat, and goddess pose.

Do yoga regularly for mental and physical health. Yoga can not only be useful for peace of mind, but also can help improve health and body fitness.

Source: Benefits of Sports Hobbies for Health That Your Body Can Feel. The hobby of exercising that is instilled from an early age is indeed a very good investment for health in the future. With exercise, it means that you also care about your health in the future. In addition to investing through sports, you can also invest in insurance for your health. Because by having health insurance, health insurance in old age is guaranteed. Of course, there are many types of health insurance that provide various benefits. If you are confused and are still looking for which one is suitable and suitable, you can search and compare it on the Desus App or you can also read more about it on the Desus Blog.

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